Living the Mission:

“you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” -Acts 1:8

The following list of individuals, families, and ministries include people who have given their lives for the mission of Jesus Christ.  Their goal has been, and is, to share the Gospel with a world that needs to hear the good news.  These are the Missionaries which the Temple Baptist Church family supports by Faith Promise giving. 

Some of these Missionaries or Ministries are linked to their own website.   Simply click on their name to learn more about their ministry and what God is doing through them in the specific places that God has called them.

These are the missionaries that we support on a monthly basis through our Faith Promise ministry.

Amack, Trevor and Hayley (SE Asia - ABWE)

Glessner, Tim and Barbara-Lee (Mexico - Fellowship International Mission)

Laird, Jason and Kathy (Western Africa Regional Director - Togo, West Africa - ABWE)

Layton, Jerry and Donna (Creation Evangelism Ministries - Active Retired -ABWE)

Martin, Joey and Kathleen (Mission Aviation Fellowship)

Melson, Pat & Kellis (Papua New Guinea - ABWE)

Mingo, Cheryl (Nicaragua - Energes Mission Internationale)

Molsee, Ethan & Melissa (Togo, West Africa - ABWE) 

Nagi, Ato and Seno (Nagaland, India - GAP Ministries - ABWE)

Pfenniger, Fred & Lydia (Currently in the US on leave, formerly Togo, West Africa) 

Strong, Polly ( Retired from Bangui, CAR -BMM)

Waldock, Ken and Mary (Retired - BMM West Coast Representatives)

we support this mission agency through our General Fund

 Northwest BNN